Thank you so much for signing up to download this preset! I hope that it speeds up your video editing workflow.


WINDOWS/MAC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (current as of Premiere CC Version 12.1.0)

  1. Open the “Proxy Preset Files” folder (in the same
    “whoismatt_proxy_presets_and_proxy_logo” unzipped folder as these instructions) and
    make a note of where the .epr files are located on your computer.
  2. Open Adobe Media Encoder.
  3. From the top menu select “Preset” > “Import”.
  4. Navigate to the “Proxy Preset Files” folder and select the “Cineform 1280×720 23.976
    Quality 1 Watermarked.epr” file and click “Open”.
  5. In the preset browser window of Adobe Media Encoder, right click on the newly imported
    preset, “Cineform 1280×720 23.976 Quality 1 Watermarked,” and select “Preset
  6. Click the “Effects” tab and scroll down to “Image Overlay”.
  7. Click the dropdown menu next to “Applied” that says “adobe_proxy_logo”. Click “Choose…”
  8. Navigate to the “Adobe Proxy Logo” folder inside the downloaded “whoismatt_proxy_presets_and_proxy_logo” unzipped folder.
  9. Select “adobe_proxy_logo.png” and click open.
  10. Check the “Absolute Sizing” box in the “Image Overlay” section.
  11. Press “OK” to save your preset settings.
  12. From the top menu select “Preset” > “Import”.
  13. Navigate to the “Proxy Preset Files” folder and select the “Cineform 1280×720 23.976 Quality 1 Watermarked INGEST.epr” file inside and click “Open”.
  14. Open Adobe Premiere Pro and import footage.
  15. Right click on your imported footage and select “Proxy” > “Create Proxies…”
  16. Click “Add Ingest Preset” and select the “Cineform 1280×720 23.976 Quality 1
    Watermarked INGEST.epr” file inside the “Proxy Preset Files” folder. Click “Open”
  17. Your proxy preset files are now installed and ready to use.

If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch.