Thank you so much for signing up to download this preset! I hope that it speeds up your video editing workflow.

WINDOWS/MAC INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS (current as of Premiere CC Version 12.1.0)
- Open the “Proxy Preset Files” folder (in the same
“whoismatt_proxy_presets_and_proxy_logo” unzipped folder as these instructions) and
make a note of where the .epr files are located on your computer. - Open Adobe Media Encoder.
- From the top menu select “Preset” > “Import”.
- Navigate to the “Proxy Preset Files” folder and select the “Cineform 1280×720 23.976
Quality 1 Watermarked.epr” file and click “Open”. - In the preset browser window of Adobe Media Encoder, right click on the newly imported
preset, “Cineform 1280×720 23.976 Quality 1 Watermarked,” and select “Preset
Settings”. - Click the “Effects” tab and scroll down to “Image Overlay”.
- Click the dropdown menu next to “Applied” that says “adobe_proxy_logo”. Click “Choose…”
- Navigate to the “Adobe Proxy Logo” folder inside the downloaded “whoismatt_proxy_presets_and_proxy_logo” unzipped folder.
- Select “adobe_proxy_logo.png” and click open.
- Check the “Absolute Sizing” box in the “Image Overlay” section.
- Press “OK” to save your preset settings.
- From the top menu select “Preset” > “Import”.
- Navigate to the “Proxy Preset Files” folder and select the “Cineform 1280×720 23.976 Quality 1 Watermarked INGEST.epr” file inside and click “Open”.
- Open Adobe Premiere Pro and import footage.
- Right click on your imported footage and select “Proxy” > “Create Proxies…”
- Click “Add Ingest Preset” and select the “Cineform 1280×720 23.976 Quality 1
Watermarked INGEST.epr” file inside the “Proxy Preset Files” folder. Click “Open” - Your proxy preset files are now installed and ready to use.
If you have any questions or comments, please get in touch.